Build a “Now Showing” Display for Your Steelbooks, 4Ks, Blu Rays or DVDs

This DIY project will help you display your currently playing movies. I go step-by-step (and leave in some of my mistakes) to show you how I created this Now Showing box that I used to display my steelbooks, 4Ks and blu-rays that I’m currently watching on my home theater.


Mike Loveday

I started my journalism career in college as an entertainment writer and eventually moved into the Sports Editor position. After graduation I worked as a Stringer for the Wilmington Star-News and covered Track & Field and Lacorsse. After eight months I was hired as a General Assignment Reporter for the Topsail Voice. In 2006, I was hired by Student Sports as a general assignment writer and moved into the role of Editor for Purchased by ESPN in July 2008, Student Sports relaunched as and I was promoted to the Contact Sports Editor in charge of football and lacrosse. In 2009, I took over lacrosse full-time. I am currently the Founder and COO of and the Mid-Atlantic reporter for US Lacrosse and where I manage the Nike/US Lacrosse Top 25 voting panel and a staff of four freelance journalists.