I am an award-winning Web Content Specialist with more than a decade of experience in digital strategy development, communications, marketing strategy, social media engagement, and content management.
I have five-years experience working in higher education, specifically crafting a digital strategy for web and social media. I have worked as part of a team to plan, develop and launch websites in higher education and private sectors, including Moraine Valley Community College and ESPN.
I increased Moraine Valley Community College's social reach by 162 percent in 18 months after being hired as the Web Content Specialist. I increased traffic at StudentSportsLacrosse.com by 194 percent in nine months by creating partnerships, direct marketing, and grassroots promotion via Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. I launched a non-profit website and grown its social-media accounts to more than 10,000 followers and page views to more than 1 million per year.